The Evolution of Traditional to New Media (Lec)

The Evolution of Traditional to New Media

Image sources: Google Image
GIF by Sofia Dominique P. Delos Reyes

What format/equipment did people use to communicate with each other?
What format/equipment did people use to store information?
What format/equipment did people use to share, broadcast information?
Pre-Industrial Age
§  Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
§  Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)
§  Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
§  Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2,400 BC)
§  Papyrus in Egypt (2,500 BC)
§  Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
§  Dibao in China (2nd Century)
§  Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century)
§  Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)

§  Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
§  Dibao in China (2nd Century)
§  Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)

Industrial Age
§  Typewriter (1800)
§  Telegraph (1791-1830)
§  Telephone
§  Printing press for mass production (19th Century)
§  Typewriter (1800)
§  Punched Cards – CHM Revolution
§  Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
§  Commercial motion pictures (1913)
§  Motion picture with sound (1926)

§  Printing press for mass production (19th Century)
§  Typewriter (1800)
§  Telegraph (1791-1830)
§  Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
§  Commercial motion pictures (1913)
§  Motion picture with sound (1926)
Electronic Age
§  Transistor Radio
§  Large electronic computers – i.e. EDSAC (1949)
§  UNIVAC 1 (1951)
§  Mainframe computers IBM 704 (1960)
§  Personal computers – Hewlett-Packard 9100A (1968)
§  Apple 1 (1976)

§  Transistor Radio
§  Television (1941)
§  OHP, LCD projectors
Information Age
§  Mosaic (1993)
§  Yahoo Messenger (1998)
§  LiveJournal (1999)
§  Wordpress (2003)
§  Friendster (2002)
§  Multiply (2003)
§  Facebook (2004)
§  Twitter (2006)
§  Tumblr (2007)
§  Skype (2003)
§  Google Hangouts (2013)
§  Smart phones
§  Wearable technology
§  Mosaic (1993)
§  Portable computers-laptops (1980)
§  Tablets (1993)
§  Internet Explorer (1995)
§  Yahoo (1995)
§  Google (1996)
§  Blogspot (1999)
§  LiveJournal (1999)
§  Wordpress (2003)
§  Friendster (2002)
§  Multiply (2003)
§  Facebook (2004)
§  Youtube (2005)
§  Twitter (2006)
§  Tumblr (2007)
§  Smart phones
§  Virtual reality
§  Google Cloud Platform

§  Mosaic (1993)
§  Portable computers-laptops (1980)
§  Tablets (1993)
§  Internet Explorer (1995)
§  Yahoo (1995)
§  Google (1996)
§  Blogspot (1995)
§  LiveJournal (1999)
§  Wordpress (2003)
§  Friendster (2002)
§  Multiply (2003)
§  Facebook (2004)
§  Youtube (2005)
§  Twitter (2006)
§  Tumblr (2007)
§  Skype (2003)
§  Smart phones
§  Google Cloud Platform

Given the available media that we now have in the world, what are its roles and functions in a democratic society?
            Ever since media came into the society, it plays a crucial role in changing and shaping a democratic society. Media has influenced the mass, politically and socially, by being the bridge from information to the people. Media also plays an important role in developing human minds. Media is an important instrument to exhibit opinions, ideas, facts, and events to the community. 
            Moreover, media has now become an important element in making progress within a democratic society. It helps in spreading news and posts that people may need to be aware of. An example of this is the updates from the government that need to be known to the people.
            Additionally, media reminds us that even though a society is democratic, the people has no absolute freedom, thus, the people still need to be responsible and accountable at all times. This, however, is not known to a lot of people. There is still a high rate of cyber bullying, fake news, pirated products, and stealing of others’ properties or contents.
            It is important to remember that media can (and most probably will) positively affect the growth of a democratic society, if and only if, the people use it by being responsible and accountable and for the purpose of common good.

In what way does media affect your life (personal, professional, academic, social, others)?
            Personally, media affects my life through helping on shaping my mind. Through media, reading and getting information is an easy, and sometimes a fun task. It serves as a key to learning more. It also shapes my lifestyle for it helps me in grasping new concepts to improve the quality of my life.
            Academically, media greatly affects my life through helping me in understanding more information, processes, and concepts. Media also helps me develop skills that I can use for teaching others and for having a better way to live life.
            Socially, media affects my life through helping me stay connected to the community. Media serves as a tool to communicate and share messages and ideas to others.
            In conclusion, media makes my life better for it helps in satisfying my needs and wants, and in solving problems that I encounter every day.


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