The Evolution of Tradition to New Media (Laboratory)

My Personal Timeline

Read my personal timeline of my exposure to traditional to new media at Timetoast.

Internet of Things as Theory of Media and Information

a). In your own words, define Internet of Things.
Internet of Things attempts to describe the connection of physical objects such as home appliances with electronics software and network connectivity that allows exchange of data and information.

b.) What brought this theory about?
The increasing usage of internet connection, decreasing cost of gadgets and internet connection, and the increasing number of gadgets that can connect to the internet started the theory of Internet of Things.

c.)Do you like the concept of IoT?
No because while it can certainly advance communication to other people, the lack of education of the responsible ways of using these gadgets will have negative impacts on the society.

d.) In what situations do you encounter IoT in the Philippines?
I encounter IoT in situations such as having an online academic class, online booking of places for traveling, online journals, and online library of books, music and movies.

e.) How do you think IoT will evolve and affect Filipino society in the next 3 to 5 years?
In the next 3 to 5 years, connecting to the online community will be something that everyone will normally do everyday. Connecting to the internet is a requirement to different jobs and even in school and universities. Gadgets and appliances will be innovated such that it can connect to the internet for better performance. Assuming that information and technology will progress in the future, the speed of the internet connection will also increase. Exchanging data and information will be an easy task for everybody, but the verification of its quality and credibility may be difficult because everybody can just easily become a member of the online community and post pieces of information without the need to verify if the information is factual and does not harm or offend others.

f.) What do you think is the relationship/cause and effect of IoT in media and information literacy?
Should information of things evolve and progress in the society, information literacy will be exercised and embodied by everybody. If online activities increase, everyone should be taught how to be an information literate individual so the negative impacts of connecting to the internet will decrease and information will be properly used and disseminated. 


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